Friday, January 9, 2009
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Making Money on the Internet
We write articles for the fun of it, but also, some of us desire to make a little extra money. We all know, unless you’ve been writing articles for a very long time, been listed many times as a hot writer, and have many friends and fans, you might as well forget about making money and just enjoy the social aspect of writing. However, there are many money making opportunities on the internet – you just have to find the right ones.
I recently attended an entrepreneur seminar at Wayne State University in Michigan and listened to several presenters. Unlike many seminars, where they lead you on to sell you something, this seminar was not selling anything. It was purely educational. I was invited because of my real estate business.
I learned of many opportunities to make money on the internet, which I will write about in future articles. One program that especially caught my interest was one of introducing people to a new domain extension. As you know, extensions such as the following: .com, .net, .org, .gov have been around for some time. A new domain extension is just getting started and coming on like wildfire. There is an opportunity to make money at an early stage, without any selling The presenter claimed that he had just started a couple months earlier and was already making a couple thousand dollars a month.
Remember the .COM explosion? This may be a chance for another big event.
“Currently there are around 60 million domain names registered globally. Industry experts are predicting that in the next ten years, more than 500 MILLION domain names and web sites will be active annually.”
As excited as I am about this program, I would like to tell you how it works, but I will not violate any Triond policy rules. You are welcome to comment on my article or email me for details.
What is interesting in this program is you get a free domain name and website, for which you normally have to pay. Normally, hosting is the big expense for a website. In this case you would pay very little each month to have the program and the free website. If the program works, as I saw proof that it does, you would not even miss the hosting fee. The beauty of this is you can use your free web site any way you choose. . If you have never had your own personal web site before, this would be a great opportunity for you.
I recently attended an entrepreneur seminar at Wayne State University in Michigan and listened to several presenters. Unlike many seminars, where they lead you on to sell you something, this seminar was not selling anything. It was purely educational. I was invited because of my real estate business.
I learned of many opportunities to make money on the internet, which I will write about in future articles. One program that especially caught my interest was one of introducing people to a new domain extension. As you know, extensions such as the following: .com, .net, .org, .gov have been around for some time. A new domain extension is just getting started and coming on like wildfire. There is an opportunity to make money at an early stage, without any selling The presenter claimed that he had just started a couple months earlier and was already making a couple thousand dollars a month.
Remember the .COM explosion? This may be a chance for another big event.
“Currently there are around 60 million domain names registered globally. Industry experts are predicting that in the next ten years, more than 500 MILLION domain names and web sites will be active annually.”
As excited as I am about this program, I would like to tell you how it works, but I will not violate any Triond policy rules. You are welcome to comment on my article or email me for details.
What is interesting in this program is you get a free domain name and website, for which you normally have to pay. Normally, hosting is the big expense for a website. In this case you would pay very little each month to have the program and the free website. If the program works, as I saw proof that it does, you would not even miss the hosting fee. The beauty of this is you can use your free web site any way you choose. . If you have never had your own personal web site before, this would be a great opportunity for you.
Google Adsense : Just A SCAM

It's one of the biggest money-making opportunities advertised on the internet, yet it's also one of the biggest money-making scams in internet history.
Google AdSense is one of the most widely-advertised ways that webmasters can make money from their websites. The concept behind it is relatively simple. Google displays an advertisement on your website and you earn money when someone clicks it. The amount of money earned per click depends on the popularity of the site being advertised on the advertisement. Sounds like a foolproof way to make money, doesn’t it? Well, as I’m about to explain, the fine print says it all.
Google has their backs covered in more ways than one. What you would think is a truly legitimate way to make money, is in fact, one of the biggest scams that the world has ever seen. Let me explain my experience with the program and how it turned me, a true AdSense believer, into a person who will now tell everyone he meets not to sign up under the AdSense program.
I was just like you. I owned an animé website and loved spending time working on it. Then I heard about AdSense. I thought to myself, “What a great idea! I can work on my site and earn money at the same time!” So I signed up. That was on July 14, 2008. To my surprise, within 2 months, I had $10.00 in my AdSense account. Keep in mind that my site was relatively small - only about 150 pages. I went through their phone verification, home address verification, sent in my tax forms and selected my type of payment method - cheque, standard delivery (otherwise, Google charges you a whopping $30.00 for express delivery). This, of course, was all asked of me once I reached the $10.00 account balance.
Another two months went by and by the end of October, I was literally jumping up and down in my computer chair, seeing my AdSense balance finally exceed the $100 minimum payout amount. I was going to surprise my dad when I received the cheque in the mail. It was November 6, 2008 when I got the email from Google. Apparently, they had suspended my account due to “invalid clicks” on my advertisements. I was shocked out of disbelief! Not once had I clicked on my own ads, nor did I ever ask anyone to click on my ads! But they had suspended my account nonetheless. In the email, however, it stated that I could appeal their ruling. I did so, filling out an online information appeal form and sending it to Google. I explained that there was no way for me to determine who clicked on my ads and that I would do my best to ensure that this incident didn’t happen again (actually, the only thing I could do was inform my site’s community by posting a news entry explicitly stating to not abuse the ad-click process). It was nearly three weeks later that I got an email response.
We're currently in the process of reviewing your account with the additional information that you've provided. Please understand, however, that there is no guarantee that your account will be reinstated into AdSense. As a reminder, Google does reserve the right to disable an account at any time, as stated in the AdSense Terms and Conditions (
Thank you for your patience.
The Google AdSense Team”
It then took another two weeks before they responded to my appeal.
Thanks for providing us with additional information. However, after thoroughly reviewing your account data and taking your feedback into consideration, we've re-confirmed that your account poses a significant risk to our advertisers. For this reason, we're unable to reinstate your account. Thank you for your understanding. As a reminder, if you have any questions about your account or the actions we've taken, please do not reply to this email. You can find more information by visiting
The Google AdSense Team”
Needless to say, I was steaming mad. And the worst part about this all is that it states in the AdSense Terms of Service (TOS) that Google has the right to suspend any account without prior notification or explanation, and refund all of the earnings in that account to the respective advertisers. Talk about unfair. What about all the money I obtained through “valid” advertisement clicks that has been returned as well?
I didn’t do anything wrong. All I did was set up an AdSense account in an attempt to make money. What did I do to deserve having my account shut down due to actions which I could not control? At least my account balance was only about $106.00, because if it was several thousands of dollars, I would’ve launched a class-action lawsuit against the company. I’m positive I’m not the only person who has been scammed by Google through this program, and I’m sure that we’d all be more than happy to gang up on Google and sue their pants off.
But then it just hit me, and it hit me hard. What happened to me can happen to anyone signed up under the Google AdSense program. I assume that one of the ways that Google determines whether or not a click is considered “valid” is with regards to the IP address of the computer that clicked on the advertisement. If the same IP address is shown multiple times clicking on an advertisement, Google becomes suspicious. If someone was intentionally clicking on my AdSense advertisements just to get my account suspended, then even if Google had reinstated my account, what could I do to prevent it from happening again in the future? To be honest - absolutely nothing. I have no control over what other people do while they visit my site.
In other words, if you have an AdSense account, it only takes a single person to click on your AdSense ads several tens or hundreds of times, and even though you personally have no control over who clicks your ads, Google will suspend your account assuming that you as a webmaster are clicking on your own ads (or you’re having someone else click on your own ads) in an attempt to increase your account balance, which is not the case. So based on this, theoretically, ANY person could go to ANY website, click on an AdSense ad 100 times, and get the site owner’s AdSense account suspended, thus making him or her lose all of their earnings.
Reflecting back on my experience, it’s actually quite sickening, thinking that I gave Google 5 months of FREE advertising on my site, only to get my account deactivated due to someone else who didn’t want me to get paid. Google won’t provide me any proof that my account was tampered with - all I have to go upon is their email which “claims” that my account was a “significant risk” to their advertisers. No doubt it was more likely a risk to their business, with such a small site as mine making about $20 a month in revenue, only to have it all taken away from me.
No doubt there are AdSense account owners out there who have been paid by Google, but I’d bet that the amount of people who have not received payment in proportion to those who have would be something to the extent of 25 to 1. If you have received AdSense cheques in the mail, and think that this sort of situation could never happen to you, be warned. Like I said before, all it takes is for one person to ruin your reputation, and your AdSense account goes down the drain.
As for me, there’s nothing I can do. Google hasn’t paid me anything, they haven’t shown me any evidence that my account had been tampered with (other than that email message simply stating my account had been suspended due to “invalid” clicks), and they don’t have to provide me with proof either, as written in their Terms of Service.
I encourage everyone who reads this to spread the word about how Google is scamming everyone with their AdSense program. You display ads on your site for free, and when it comes time to pay out, for the majority of the time, Google doesn’t. And I’m sure there will be many people reading this arguing that AdSense is the best program ever, that they’ve “supposedly” earned thousands of dollars through it, and that they have in fact received cheques in the mail. Whether they’re telling the truth or not - that’s another story. Perhaps some of them are even people who have been paid by Google to advertise the AdSense program and its “authenticity,” just to fool everyone into thinking that Google does, in fact, pay their members. I cannot imagine how much free advertising Google has obtained through this con-of-the-century. Think about it for a moment. “Claim” to give out money, offer months of free advertising to their advertisers, then not pay out even one cent to the webmasters displaying those ads.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Make Money with NeverBlueAds

I remember when I first met the guys from NeverBlueAds. It was right after I was doing one of my round table sessions at Affiliate Summit a few years ago. Jordan Visco and a couple other guys from his company were impressed with my presentation and story on what I have done online, and thought we would be a good match for making some money. After talking with Jordan for a bit, I went onto my laptop and signed up as an affiliate. I would meet up with Jordan several times over the next year or two at the next Affiliate Summit and AdTech exhibits. I ran a few of their offers here and there, but really wasn’t pushing any volume worth mentioning. Really sucks meeting up with people you really like and always having the "so when are we going to make some money together" conversation year after year! I still talk to Jordan occasionally, but the other day I finally went a head and grabbed some of the offers on his network and placed them on a few sites.
It was late in the day, so I threw up a couple few offers on one of my high traffic sites… I made a quick $6.35. Nothing too thrilling, but testing starts out somewhere. The next day I had more time to send some traffic over and ended up making $33.95. Things are looking a lot better, now I should start optimizing a bit. I emailed Jordan to let him know I’m going to play around with some of the listings and see what I can do. We were both happy to see the next day brought in a cool $112.55. With my new optimizations in place, ONLY four days in with testing their offers I am up to $138.95! This is only a start, I’m aiming earning a few hundred a day with theses guys and their amazing offers!
I want YOU to start making some money now with NeverblueAds. Not only are they an excellent company to work with, but they also have very high paying rates and you are assigned your own affiliate manager as well. Unlike Google Adsense, NeverBlueAds is made up of a large variety of CPA type offers for you to choose from. You can also earn commission by sending new affiliates/publishers to their network. Their user interface is also very easy to navigate, the site loads awesomely fast and new offers and creative are all available on your main page when you login. I highly recommend NeverBlueAds, and you can signup by clicking here.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
AdSense tips
Google AdSense is a pay-per-click (PPC) program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.
AdSense delivers relevant ads that are targeted to the content people find on your site.
In many advertising networks and websites, including AdSense, the advertiser is charged for advertising their ad only when a user clicks on their ad. How much they pay (for that click) is called their Cost Per Click or CPC.
Here you will find some simple and effective AdSense tips that will increase your revenue. If you haven't already joined AdSense program, you should sign up first.
Now it's time to show you some tips and tricks that will optimize your AdSense ads.
Top 15 AdSense tips
AdSense Tip #1: Find your keywords
Before serving ads on a web page, check its keyword density. A free and advanced tool for finding the most prominent keywords in a page can be found here: SEO Density Analyzer. Copy the most important keywords to a text file ([web page name]-adsense-keywords.txt).
AdSense Tip #2: Improve your keywords
Get keyword suggestions from Overture Search Inventory and from Google AdWords Sandbox. Get new keywords that can help you improve your ad relevance. Enter the keywords from [web page name]-adsense-keywords.txt and save the suggestions to [web page name]-adsense-suggestions.txt.
AdSense Tip #3: Keep your website focused on a theme
Use the keyword suggestions to enhance your web pages and to build theme-based content. And also try to get your keywords into the anchor text of your incoming links as much as possible. Don't forget that Google AdSense is keyword-targeted advertising: Google AdSense bases its advert topics on your websites content, this means that content-rich websites of a popular topic should attract a large amount of ads.
AdSense Tip #4: Write a new page every day
One of the best tips is to add a new page to your web site every day. The more content you have, the more visitors you will get. Put an Adsense unit on each and every content page of your site. But where? You will find more about that from the next AdSense tips.
AdSense Tip #5: Choose the right AdSense format
Wider formats are successful because the ads are compact, easy to read and are complementary to the content. The top three AdSense formats are:
1. 336x280 large rectangle
2. 300x250 medium rectangle
3. 160x600 wide skyscraper
Another successful format is the 468x15 horizontal ad links, that can be placed under your navigation bar.
More AdSense Tips
AdSense delivers relevant ads that are targeted to the content people find on your site.
In many advertising networks and websites, including AdSense, the advertiser is charged for advertising their ad only when a user clicks on their ad. How much they pay (for that click) is called their Cost Per Click or CPC.
Here you will find some simple and effective AdSense tips that will increase your revenue. If you haven't already joined AdSense program, you should sign up first.
Now it's time to show you some tips and tricks that will optimize your AdSense ads.
Top 15 AdSense tips
AdSense Tip #1: Find your keywords
Before serving ads on a web page, check its keyword density. A free and advanced tool for finding the most prominent keywords in a page can be found here: SEO Density Analyzer. Copy the most important keywords to a text file ([web page name]-adsense-keywords.txt).
AdSense Tip #2: Improve your keywords
Get keyword suggestions from Overture Search Inventory and from Google AdWords Sandbox. Get new keywords that can help you improve your ad relevance. Enter the keywords from [web page name]-adsense-keywords.txt and save the suggestions to [web page name]-adsense-suggestions.txt.
AdSense Tip #3: Keep your website focused on a theme
Use the keyword suggestions to enhance your web pages and to build theme-based content. And also try to get your keywords into the anchor text of your incoming links as much as possible. Don't forget that Google AdSense is keyword-targeted advertising: Google AdSense bases its advert topics on your websites content, this means that content-rich websites of a popular topic should attract a large amount of ads.
AdSense Tip #4: Write a new page every day
One of the best tips is to add a new page to your web site every day. The more content you have, the more visitors you will get. Put an Adsense unit on each and every content page of your site. But where? You will find more about that from the next AdSense tips.
AdSense Tip #5: Choose the right AdSense format
Wider formats are successful because the ads are compact, easy to read and are complementary to the content. The top three AdSense formats are:
1. 336x280 large rectangle
2. 300x250 medium rectangle
3. 160x600 wide skyscraper
Another successful format is the 468x15 horizontal ad links, that can be placed under your navigation bar.
More AdSense Tips
AdSense tips (part 2)
In part one of the AdSense tips you found out how to improve your keywords and how to build theme-based content.
* AdSense Tip #1: Your keywords are important
* AdSense Tip #2: Improve your keywords
* AdSense Tip #3: Keep your website focused on a theme
* AdSense Tip #4: Write a new page every day
* AdSense Tip #5: Choose the right AdSense format
The next AdSense tips will show you the importance of positioning the ads and how to increase your revenue by adding multiple AdSense units.
AdSense Tip #6: Color tips
When creating your Google AdSense ads it is recommended to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background color.
Create a custom AdSense palette:
* border color = background color of your web site
* background color = background color of your web site
* link color = blue, color of your links
* url color = black, #999999
* text color = black, #333333, color of your main content
You can also rotate your color palette: select multiple color palettes that blend with your site to create variety.
AdSense Tip #7: Position tips
Visitors tend to look at the big headlines to see if your page is worth reading. If you get them interested, they will read the text and look for your navigation links.
Place the AdSense ads in a prominent place around the top/left part of your page or under your headlines, where your visitors are most likely to look at.
If you have an article page with a long body of text, the bottom of that article is a good place for AdSense ads because your visitors read the text and then they want more resources.
AdSense Tip #8: Increase the number of ads, but not too much
If you have a lot of text on a page, use multiple AdSense units. You can use up to three AdSense units on a page, two AdSense search boxes and one unit of ad links.
Link units allow the user to refine what they're interested in. So if they may not be interested in specific ads on your page, they might be interested in a particular topic, and by clicking on a link unit and a link in the link unit, they'll be able to specify that they're interested in that specific topic and get a lot more options and variety on the ads that might appear.
AdSense for Search allows visitors to search or your sites (up to 3 domains). You earn money whenever they click on the ads that come up on the search results. If you click the Open search results in a new browser window checkbox in the AdSense for Search settings, you won't lose your visitors.
AdSense Tip #9: Preview Google ads
You can find out what ads will be served by Google AdSense if you install Google AdSense Preview Tool, a very simple tool available only for Internet Explorer 6.0. Click to advertiser sites without generating invalid clicks, and easily add their URLs to your URL filter list. Because AdSense uses geo-targeting, Google serves different ads for other countries. Instead of faking your IP or travelling abroad to test your ads, use this AdSense tool to see what ads see your visitors from France, Germany or other countries.
There may be no Google AdSense ads available for your webpage, so Googlw will display Public Service Ads. You can hide them using alternate colors or images. Make sure you include the image in a simple html file as a link (use target="_top"). The image size should be the same as the dimension of AdSense units. In the alternate url box, enter the absolute url of the html file.
Read more about alternate ads.
AdSense Tip #10: What not to do
* Don't click on your own ads
* Don't ask others to click on your Google ads
* Don't manually change AdSense code
* Don't place Google ads on sites that include prohibited content (e.g.: adult sites)
* Don't employ cloaking, hidden text or farm links
* Don't use AdSense ads on the same page with similar ads (e.g.: Yahoo Publisher Network)
* AdSense Tip #1: Your keywords are important
* AdSense Tip #2: Improve your keywords
* AdSense Tip #3: Keep your website focused on a theme
* AdSense Tip #4: Write a new page every day
* AdSense Tip #5: Choose the right AdSense format
The next AdSense tips will show you the importance of positioning the ads and how to increase your revenue by adding multiple AdSense units.
AdSense Tip #6: Color tips
When creating your Google AdSense ads it is recommended to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background color.
Create a custom AdSense palette:
* border color = background color of your web site
* background color = background color of your web site
* link color = blue, color of your links
* url color = black, #999999
* text color = black, #333333, color of your main content
You can also rotate your color palette: select multiple color palettes that blend with your site to create variety.
AdSense Tip #7: Position tips
Visitors tend to look at the big headlines to see if your page is worth reading. If you get them interested, they will read the text and look for your navigation links.
Place the AdSense ads in a prominent place around the top/left part of your page or under your headlines, where your visitors are most likely to look at.
If you have an article page with a long body of text, the bottom of that article is a good place for AdSense ads because your visitors read the text and then they want more resources.
AdSense Tip #8: Increase the number of ads, but not too much
If you have a lot of text on a page, use multiple AdSense units. You can use up to three AdSense units on a page, two AdSense search boxes and one unit of ad links.
Link units allow the user to refine what they're interested in. So if they may not be interested in specific ads on your page, they might be interested in a particular topic, and by clicking on a link unit and a link in the link unit, they'll be able to specify that they're interested in that specific topic and get a lot more options and variety on the ads that might appear.
AdSense for Search allows visitors to search or your sites (up to 3 domains). You earn money whenever they click on the ads that come up on the search results. If you click the Open search results in a new browser window checkbox in the AdSense for Search settings, you won't lose your visitors.
AdSense Tip #9: Preview Google ads
You can find out what ads will be served by Google AdSense if you install Google AdSense Preview Tool, a very simple tool available only for Internet Explorer 6.0. Click to advertiser sites without generating invalid clicks, and easily add their URLs to your URL filter list. Because AdSense uses geo-targeting, Google serves different ads for other countries. Instead of faking your IP or travelling abroad to test your ads, use this AdSense tool to see what ads see your visitors from France, Germany or other countries.
There may be no Google AdSense ads available for your webpage, so Googlw will display Public Service Ads. You can hide them using alternate colors or images. Make sure you include the image in a simple html file as a link (use target="_top"). The image size should be the same as the dimension of AdSense units. In the alternate url box, enter the absolute url of the html file.
Read more about alternate ads.
AdSense Tip #10: What not to do
* Don't click on your own ads
* Don't ask others to click on your Google ads
* Don't manually change AdSense code
* Don't place Google ads on sites that include prohibited content (e.g.: adult sites)
* Don't employ cloaking, hidden text or farm links
* Don't use AdSense ads on the same page with similar ads (e.g.: Yahoo Publisher Network)
AdSense tips (part 3)
In part one of the AdSense tips you found out how to improve your keywords and how to build theme-based content.
Then we showed you the importance of positioning the ads and how to increase your revenue by adding multiple AdSense units.
AdSense Tip #11: Show images above or next to your ads
Placing images above AdSense ads is not necessarily prohibited by program policies. However, depending on the method of implementation this could be considered encouraging users to click on ads. So you should include a border line between the ads and the images. Don't show specific products in your images, in order not to mislead the visitors. Just use generic images that will increase the visibility of your ads.
AdSense Tip #12: Use section targeting
Use section targeting to emphasize some content in your page. On your site, place this code where you want to emphasize.
Content you want to emphasize.
If you want some content to be ignored, use
AdSense Tip #13: Alternate the colors of your ads
AdSense allows you to have up to 4 color variations for each variable for which you can specify color. You should do that if you put AdSense ads on pages that receive many impressions from the same visitors (for example forums) to reduce ad blindness. For example:
google_color_border = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"];
google_color_link = ["000000","BBB90C","BBB90C","628098"];
google_color_url = ["000000","628098","000000","000000"];
google_color_text = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"];
AdSense Tip #14: Your Google ads should be visible
Make sure your text ads are visible to the surfers in all screen formats. If you put the ads in a table, give sufficient breathing room, i.e. proper cell padding and cell spacing to make the ads stand out from the rest of your content.
AdSense Tip #15: Use AdSense channels
You can categorize the content of your website into channels and then track your performance. This way you can experiment with different types of ads and see which is performing the best. Instead of buying an AdSense tracker, you can enter the most important pages in your site and see how they are doing. Create up to 200 channels for AdSense.
AdSense channel
Let's recap our AdSense tips
* create interesting to read pages, focused on a theme
* integrate AdSense in your layout
* put yourself in the shoes of your visitors and experiment with the ads
Official Google AdSense tips
Google AdSense policies
Google AdSense official tips
Google AdSense support
Google AdSense Blog
Then we showed you the importance of positioning the ads and how to increase your revenue by adding multiple AdSense units.
AdSense Tip #11: Show images above or next to your ads
Placing images above AdSense ads is not necessarily prohibited by program policies. However, depending on the method of implementation this could be considered encouraging users to click on ads. So you should include a border line between the ads and the images. Don't show specific products in your images, in order not to mislead the visitors. Just use generic images that will increase the visibility of your ads.
AdSense Tip #12: Use section targeting
Use section targeting to emphasize some content in your page. On your site, place this code where you want to emphasize.
Content you want to emphasize.
If you want some content to be ignored, use
AdSense Tip #13: Alternate the colors of your ads
AdSense allows you to have up to 4 color variations for each variable for which you can specify color. You should do that if you put AdSense ads on pages that receive many impressions from the same visitors (for example forums) to reduce ad blindness. For example:
google_color_border = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"];
google_color_link = ["000000","BBB90C","BBB90C","628098"];
google_color_url = ["000000","628098","000000","000000"];
google_color_text = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"];
AdSense Tip #14: Your Google ads should be visible
Make sure your text ads are visible to the surfers in all screen formats. If you put the ads in a table, give sufficient breathing room, i.e. proper cell padding and cell spacing to make the ads stand out from the rest of your content.
AdSense Tip #15: Use AdSense channels
You can categorize the content of your website into channels and then track your performance. This way you can experiment with different types of ads and see which is performing the best. Instead of buying an AdSense tracker, you can enter the most important pages in your site and see how they are doing. Create up to 200 channels for AdSense.
AdSense channel
Let's recap our AdSense tips
* create interesting to read pages, focused on a theme
* integrate AdSense in your layout
* put yourself in the shoes of your visitors and experiment with the ads
Official Google AdSense tips
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